Hello friends. Welcome to our creative scrapbook blog for our next EP. We thought it would be nice to let you in on the process and bring you on the journey with us through ideas, visuals, colours, textures and imagination. We'll be adding to this blog as we go.

Evening light. Smoke for dust?
Photos. Stick with film or more digital?

> M I D J O U R N E Y <

Midjourney will generate four images and you can choose to iterate on one of these or 'upscale' to a higher quality. Prompts for these were like "4 brunette women falling through the sky in another world, mountains, flowers, high contrast surrealist collage"
Midjourney is an AI image generation tool. You give it prompts for example "high contrast surrealist collage in warm colours, mountains" and it generates images based on those prompts. I've been using it to mock up some ideas. Here are the results...


Made on Midjourney

Made the below images buy just chopping out the window space and adding in the collage. If we wanted to recreate this idea we'd have to take the real photos and create the collage or "world" to go outside the window.

These were made on Midjourney but we would use them as a guide to take photos in real life

we recreated these photos in an old mill in manchester

We tried a few different "worldS" outside the
window and eventually settled on....

added a little grain to the final image to tie the collage in with the film photograph